The local government encourages every member of the community to participate in verge side collections which are usually scheduled so you keep yourself updated. Indeed this is an ideal way to get rid of household wastes, especially unwanted and old pieces of stuff. But sometimes, the council members will notify the neighborhood that some items won’t be collected on the said date.
Let’s say that they also have some guidelines to follow regarding the verge side collection for each area. That’s why they will only accept this or that item, though it would be good to know more about these guides:
We have here some of the items that will be included on the next collection of the verge side program:
Household items: this includes furniture but glass is not included, barbeques without gas containers or bottles, bicycles, toys, lino, carpets, and mattresses.
Small electrical goods: this includes toasters, kettles, phones, DVD players, televisions, vacuums, computers, and printers.
White goods: this includes freezers, refrigerators, and stoves.
Green waste: this includes organic garden wastes, weeds, tree branches, twigs, and flowers. Be sure to keep leaves and lawn clippings on a sack or box. Please cut down branches and make sure it won’t exceed 1.5m because longer than this will not be included in the collection.
Remember that green wastes are not always included in every bulk verge side collection in your area. You have to take note of the schedule set by the council because this is only dedicated to green waste collection in your neighborhood.
Your wastes which are in the given list will be collected on the scheduled verge side day but keep in mind that there is a limited amount of wastes accepted. In general, you should not exceed 3 cubic meters so if you do not know how much is allowed, then you better keep in touch with the organizers of the said program.
What is not accepted during verge side collection
This program is usually set for homeowners or residents that’s why the items on the list are usually household wastes. However, if you own an industrial company and deal with various commercial sites in your area, then I suggest you contact the organizers of such programs in your locality. You have to organize this and set a schedule, then talk about what they can only collect so that it will be ready for pick-up at your desired location.
Items that will not be collected during a verge side collection:
Hazardous waste: this includes asbestos, fluorescent globes, empty aerosol cans, gas cylinders, flammable liquids, poisons, pool and garden chemicals, and motor oil.
Domestic rubbish: this includes nappies, food waste or scrap from the kitchen, nappies, and rubbish that often go in your usual green bin.
Car bodies or vehicle parts, batteries, and tires.
Medical waste and veterinary waste.
Any form of liquids.
Again, be reminded that these wastes must be at least 1.5m long only so you have to cut them when it is longer than the said size. It would be more efficient for the collectors if you can sort and organize your items. In this way, you can minimize the wastes that may go to the landfills. Keep in mind that you should not be moving your items when the scheduled date is not yet out because when you are too early or a week before collection, then you may be fined. Well, this will depend on the local council so it would be good to learn about their policies, too. By the way, your wastes must be placed in a visible spot without obstructing pathways or footpaths and not very far from the verge side to make sure that the people in-charged will collect them.
When to wait for verge side collection
Verge side collection may be scheduled one or two times every year, depending on the local council. This could be one for the household wastes and another one for the green wastes. When you know that the schedule in your area is around the corner, then you should start sorting out your items to be ready. Indeed, this is a great chance for you to figure out what pieces of household stuff to get rid of and an opportunity to change the old ones.
But if you already sorted out what stuff to remove and the verge side collection day is a long way to go, then you may start contacting skip bin hire services for picking up the unwanted items. In this way, you can still check on other waste for disposal and will then be ready for the verge side.
When to hire a skip bin
When you missed the schedule of verge side collection in your locality, then you’ll have no choice but to wait for the next one and that might take you months or a year of waiting. In this case, you better look for skip bin hire services in your area to get rid of the unwanted wastes. Sometimes, you have a lot and exceed the allowed weight or length of the items so those won’t be accepted. Anyway, it is easy to find skip bin companies so getting rid of your wastes whatever these are, and disposing of these properly won’t be a problem.
What’s nice when hiring a skip bin service is that you are free to choose a date that suits your schedule because as homeowners, you are surely busy working, too. Sometimes you have a lot of household tasks and your weekend is not even enough to organize all unwanted items. That’s why when booking a skip bin service, you can always choose the most convenient day.
You may also have a lot of waste to remove at home, especially when the house is under construction due to remodeling or when building a new house. It would be more cost-effective to hire skip bins to get rid of wastes.
Some of your unwanted items may not be collected because the verge side collector won’t accept them, especially when the size is too huge and other unacceptable items. Through the skip bin services, everything can be collected so simply discuss with them when you needed them to pick up for recycling or going to landfills. It would be great to talk about any concerns regarding your wastes.
Indeed verge side collection of unwanted household items is very helpful to residents but we have to accept that they also have restrictions and limitations. We cannot get rid of anything we want or how much we have and this only happens once or two times every year. So if you would like to organize and sort out your wastes at home or in your workplace, especially for recycling purposes, then contact Wizz Binz and hire our skip bins. Recycling items will be assured with them so if you would like to hire one, you better contact them to ask for a quote and book a collection date at your convenience.