Tips for Reducing Office Waste

Waste production is a global issue that concerns everybody that’s why this happens at home, workplace, school, and anywhere you go. Indeed a lot of individuals practice zero waste, though this is not easy because we always produce one whatever we do. I supposed, what we need is for every individual to start reducing waste … Read more

Information for Your Next Verge Side Collection

The local government encourages every member of the community to participate in verge side collections which are usually scheduled so you keep yourself updated. Indeed this is an ideal way to get rid of household wastes, especially unwanted and old pieces of stuff. But sometimes, the council members will notify the neighborhood that some items … Read more

Waste Management for Small Businesses

If your small business is somewhat located in an urban area, then you may be causing some serious problems and that’s when you are producing bulks of wastes. To avoid having issues with the local government, you have to follow the strict regulations that concern proper waste disposal. Pretty sure that there are skip bin … Read more

How to Budget When Hiring a Skip Bin

Some individuals do not see how cost-effective it is to hire skip bin services in Perth. Indeed it is the most affordable way to get rid of household wastes properly, especially when you are dealing with industrial and commercial wastes. Indeed you have to pay garbage collectors even when you only have to dispose of … Read more

Environmental Green Waste Disposal

green waste disposal perth

What is green waste? Green waste is any organic material that has been collected from a home or business and is not considered to be hazardous. This includes leaves, grass clippings, tree branches, and flowers. It can also include food scraps and other organic material that has been composted. How is green waste disposed of? … Read more

The Importance of Recycling

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Why recycle? Recycling is one of the simplest things we can do to help preserve our environment, rather than turning into waste. By recycling, we are taking materials that would normally end up in landfills and turning them into new products. These products can be used again and again, helping us reduce our reliance on … Read more



Content on this page is for information purposes only. See bottom of page for disclaimer and useful government links related to asbestos. What is asbestos and why is it dangerous? Asbestos is a mineral that was once widely used for its fire-resistant and insulating properties. However, it has been proven that asbestos is dangerous to … Read more

Waste Management & Waste Disposal in Perth

Perth’s waste management and disposal system Perth’s waste management and disposal system is one of the most efficient in the world. The city has a state-of-the-art system that collects, sorts and recycles waste. There are also a number of landfills located on the outskirts of Perth that handle the city’s waste. The city is served … Read more

Facts About Waste

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Waste is any material, substance or by product eliminated or discarded as no longer useful or required after the completion of a process. It includes even the tiniest items such as tooth picks or cotton buds. As the population increases the level of waste also increases. From the 18 million tonnes of waste in Australia … Read more